Friday, April 22, 2011

you want the Truth?

Quick, scroll down and turn off my (abnoxious to some) music on the right hand side...

I saw this video recently on a rando-blog a couple weeks ago and think it couldn't be a more fitting time to share it with ya.

It's shocking how some people don't know what the foundation meaning of Easter is. If you're wondering, no, its not just about sugar highs and egg hunts (which I absolutely love). But its recognizing and praising our Almighty God who sent his Son to die a horrible death on a cross, so that we all can have the free gift of salvation, being forgiven of our sinful hearts and saved by grace, by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It's really the greatest act of love.

So I feel as though this video its self knocks my feeble words right to their feet where they should stay sometimes.

This will be the best 5 minutes of your day. week. life. just watch it pretty please.

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