Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Post Easter

Easter was absolutely a delight. While it was coupled with moments of some intense physical issues, it was worth every moment of it. My entire family was able to spend this Easter together, which is rare indeed. My middle sister, brother (in law), and nephew live down in Austin and my other brother (in law) always has to work on Sundays and basically every holiday between the months of January and September. So Sunday was exponentially enjoyable since we all were able to celebrate Christ's death and resurrection together.

We love each other, can't you tell?

Not only that, but we all went to church together at Prestonwood to watch my brother (in law) be baptized that morning. He's been a follower of Christ for about 10 or 11 years but made the decision to be baptized this week. It was such a special morning, filled with joy.

{One song that I absolutely love, cannot seem to find a link to share, and is so pertinent and perfectly fitting for what Easter is, is by Desperation Band called Overcome. Its also in the album called Counting on God. You can find it on Spotify and iTunes.}

In conclusion, Easter was a delight. Sometimes (and I don't know how) I fail to recognize Christ's death and resurrection and make a point to thank Him for that as much as I should. How?! That is the Gospel! I wouldn't know what to do with life, let alone have it, if I didn't know Christ as my Lord and Savior. And so, it is necessary and a blessing to have a day each year centered on celebrating Christ's death and life.

"For God so loved the world that he sent his one and only Son, 
that whosoever believes in Him, shall not perish 
but have eternal life
For God did not send his Son in the world to condemn the world,
but to save the world through Him." 
-John 3:16-17

Thank you Jesus.

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